
Planes Over London

A helpful tool for people living under Heathrow's flight paths

Planes Over London

  • SizeSmall

  • TypeLive-data

  • AreaAviation

Millions of Londoners live under Heathrow's flightpath and are impacted by the airport's close proximity to the capital, but it is not everyday that planes destined for Heathrow fly over the city.

Planes Over London tracks and predicts air traffic over the capital. It gives visitors a 14 day forecast and a live view of what's happening now. It shows the runway currently in use and it carefully archives the number of daily landing and keeps track of any late running aircraft.

What we did

  1. Concept

  2. Design

  3. Development

  4. Propaganda

  5. Outreach

Noise near you

Site also allows visitors to visualise the noise impact aircraft have on where they live. You can also set your location manually to be anywhere in the London area and watch in near-real time what the noise impact of above aircraft are.

Weather & Windsor

The site responds to changing weather and the time of the day. It provides a continuous picture of the planes and their impact above London. It also features a Windsor mode, for those days when they are not over flying central London, but can be found approaching the airport over Windsor castle.

Support the project

Planes Over London is a self-funded, self-initiated project created to help South Londoners understand the impact of Heathrow flightpaths over the capital. We have a lot of ideas to expand the project, beyond Heathrow and London and are looking for your support. If you are interested please get in touch. You can also donate to the project using the link below.